U.S. Military Helicopter Safety: Rhetoric and Reality |
Colin Powellfs Response to the Okinawa International University Helicopter Crash |
gWell, if there is not an air base there wonft be accidents, but there is always the possibility of an accident of this type at any air base, whether itfs civilian or military. And we do everything we can to fly safely, to make sure our equipment is safe and our helicopters are safe and well-maintained and our pilots are well trained. And, as I say, we regret this incident and we will get to the bottom of it to find out what happened and make sure we are taking every precaution so that something like [the helicopter crash at Okinawa International University] does not happen again.h
– US Secretary of State Colin Powell speaking to Fuji TV, August 13, 2004 (emphasis added).
Examining the following evidence, we think you will agree that Colin Powell is correct in saying that there is always the possibility of an accident, especially where US military helicopters are involved. Looking beyond the rhetoric, though, what exactly have US military authorities and their political overseers been doing to ensure helicopter safety at Futenma, a helicopter base which is situated in the middle of a city of 90,000 people, surrounded by other municipalities which are home to hundreds of thousands more?
Is gtaking every precautionh good enough? Before taking a look at some helicopter accident statistics, letfs first see what kind of helicopters are being used at Futenma.
- Helicopters Stationed at Futenma Air Base
- CH-53 Crashes Due to Mechanical Failure 2002-Present
- AH-46 Sea Knight Crashes
- AH-1W Super Cobra and UH-1N Iroquois Crashes
- Business as Usual
- US Military Helicopter Deaths 2001-2003
- "Safe and Well Maintained" Helicopters?
- Conclusions
Helicopters Stationed at Futenma Air Base |
Aircraft Type
CH-53 Super Stallion
CH-46 Sea Knight
AH-1W Super Cobra
UH-1N Huey
(Source: Ryukyu Shimpo August 14 2004)
CH-53 Crashes Due to Mechanical Failure 2002-Present |
Next letfs consider the CH-53D Sea Stallion, the type of helicopter which crashed at OIU. The following are recent CH-53D/E helicopter crashes attributed to mechanical failure or other causes not including enemy fire from 2002 to 2004.1
13 August 2004
Okinawa International University, Okinawa, Japan
11 August 2004
Anbar Province, Iraq
21 December 2002
Kabul, Afghanistan
20 January 2002
Kandahar, Afghanistan
US forces clearly took no action after the crash in Iraq which occurred just two days before the Okinawa International University crash. The CH-53s were not even temporarily grounded. The Iraq crash involved a CH-53D: exactly the same aircraft type. Is this what Colin Powell means by, "taking every precaution" and doing "everything we can to fly safely?"
AH-46 Sea Knight Crashes |
Next, letfs take a look at CH-46 helicopter crashes attributed to mechanical failure or other causes not including enemy fire 1997-2004.1
20 March 2003
9 July 2001
North Carolina
9 December 1999
AH-46 Sea Knights at M.C.A.S. Futenma were not grounded after any of these crashes.
AH-1W Super Cobra and UH-1N Iroquois Crashes |
The following are AH-1W Super Cobra and UH-1N Iroquois (Huey) helicopter crashes attributed to mechanical failure or other causes not including enemy fire 1997-2004.1
5 April 2003
14 February 2002
Again, no Iroquois or Super Cobra helicopters were grounded at M.C.A.S. Futenma after any of these crashes.
Business as Usual |
The U.S. military uses numerous types of helicopters. Lets take a look at some grim statistics for just a two month period last year. These are U.S. military helicopter crashes attributed to mechanical failure or other causes not including enemy fire (March-April 2003 - all helicopter types)
4 April 2003
2 April 2003
30 March 2003
23 March 2003
21 March 2003
11 March 2003
Fort Drum
US Military Helicopter Deaths 2001-20033 |
What causes most deaths in U.S. military helicopter crashes: enemy fire or the helicopters themselves? Add up the numbers for the the past three years, and what kind of picture do they paint?
Deaths due to accidents: 60 (89.5%) Deaths due to hostile fire: 7 (10.5%)
"Safe and Well Maintained" Helicopters? |
Conclusions |
For people here in Okinawa, the conclusions are painfully obvious. We believe it is clear that the U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is more concerned with public relations than public safety when he makes the claim that "our equipment is safe and our helicopters are safe and well-maintained." Given the US military's past record of negligence and inaction, we also consider the assertion that the US military is "taking every precaution so that something like [this] does not happen again" an insult to the Japanese publicfs intelligence.
On the other hand, we strongly support the Secretary of State's assertion that if there were no air base there would be no accidents, and this is why we demand the immediate and permanent cessation of all helicopter flights in and out of the base. We agree with Secretary Powell that the only way of ensuring there is no repeat of the Okinawa International University helicopter crash is to stop flying military helicopters over urban neighborhoods.
We also believe that flying US military helicopters over densely populated urban residential areas in callous disregard of civilian lives is tantamount to an act of reckless endangerment. No government aviation agency in the world would tolerate a record of disaster like the one catalogued above. We believe that for hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens to continue to be exposed to this risk of disaster is absolutely reprehensible. Would military helicopters be allowed to train over densely populated urban areas in the United States itself? Emphatically not! Europe? Of course, not. Then, what degree of contempt toward citizens of a so-called ally does it take for U.S. Marine officers in Okinawa to think they can get away with it here?
1 Other fatal and nonfatal crashes and emergency landings may have occurred but not been reported in the media.
2 As it is safe to assume the figures here relate primarily to helicopter crews rather than bystanders on the ground, it would seem fair to ask whether the U.S. military can even claim to be doing all it can to ensure the safety of its own military personnel.
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